

Updated the download site of the following articles.
[時代劇] 服部半蔵 影の軍団 VOL.4 [Add Part files]/[時代劇] 服部半蔵 影の軍団 VOL.5 [Add Part files]/[時代劇] 服部半蔵 影の軍団 VOL.6 [Add Part files]/[時代劇] 服部半蔵 影の軍団 VOL.7 [Add Part files]

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Updated the download site of the following articles.
[邦画] 麒麟の翼 ~劇場版・新参者~ [無圧縮]

Do not miss out on new articles for that, because it appears in the top article.


Updated the download site of the following articles.
[時代劇] 服部半蔵 影の軍団 VOL.4 [Add Part.24 file]/[時代劇] 服部半蔵 影の軍団 VOL.5 [Add Part.24 file]/[アニメ] 長ぐつをはいたネコ [一層化]

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Updated the download site of the following articles.
[時代劇] 服部半蔵 影の軍団 VOL.3 [Add part file]/[邦画] ハードロマンチッカー [Add part.28 file]/[洋画] 戦火の馬 [無圧縮]

Do not miss out on new articles for that, because it appears in the top article.


Updated the download site of the following articles.
[海外ドラマ] フォーリング スカイズ<ファースト・シーズン> Vol.1 [無圧縮]/スパルタカス V 仮面の裏側 [Add part files]

Do not miss out on new articles for that, because it appears in the top article.


Updated the download site of the following articles.
[海外ドラマ] スパルタカス IV 悲運と栄光 [Add part17/part18]

Do not miss out on new articles for that, because it appears in the top article.


Updated the download site of the following articles.
[洋画] TIME/タイム [無圧縮]/[邦画] ALWAYS 三丁目の夕日'64 [一層化]

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Updated the download site of the following articles.
[洋画] パラノーマル・アクティビティ3 [BD-ISO]

Do not miss out on new articles for that, because it appears in the top article.


Updated the download site of the following articles.
[洋画] 戦火の馬 [一層化]/[邦画] ALWAYS 三丁目の夕日'64 [一層化]

Do not miss out on new articles for that, because it appears in the top article.


Updated the download site of the following articles.
[洋画] TIME/タイム [一層化]

Do not miss out on new articles for that, because it appears in the top article.


Updated the download site of the following articles.
[邦画] けっこう仮面 新生 MASK the KEKKOU REBORN [DVD-Rip]/[洋画] センター・オブ・ジ・アース2 神秘の島 [一層化]

Do not miss out on new articles for that, because it appears in the top article.


Updated the download site of the following articles.
[邦画] An Assassin アサシン [一層化]

Do not miss out on new articles for that, because it appears in the top article.


Updated the download site of the following articles.
[洋画] 昼下がり、ローマの恋 [一層化]

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Has been recovered "FileTechnology". Therefore, it was added to the download location of the following articles.
[洋画] アンダーワールド 覚醒/[韓国ドラマ] ラブ・ミッション -スーパースターと結婚せよ!-[完全版] Vol.8/[邦画] ゴーストライターホテル/[韓国ドラマ] 張禧嬪[チャン・ヒビン] VOL.1-14


Updated the download site of the following articles.
[邦画] ゴーストライターホテル/[洋画] アンダーワールド 覚醒

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Server for the state of "FileTechnology" is bad, please use the other uploader until you recover.


Updated the download site of the following articles.
[洋画] ex エックス

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Updated the download site of the following articles.
[洋画] 運命の元カレ

Do not miss out on new articles for that, because it appears in the top article.


Updated the download site of the following articles.
[洋画] 英雄の証明

Do not miss out on new articles for that, because it appears in the top article.


Updated the download site of the following articles.
[邦画] しあわせのパン

Do not miss out on new articles for that, because it appears in the top article.


Updated the download site of the following articles.
[洋画] 世界侵略:ニューヨーク決戦/[邦画] 恋の罪/[邦画] アントキノイノチ

Do not miss out on new articles for that, because it appears in the top article.


Updated the download site of the following articles.
[邦画] ヒミズ/[邦画] アントキノイノチ/[洋画] 宇宙人ポール/[洋画] 50/50 フィフティ・フィフティ

Do not miss out on new articles for that, because it appears in the top article.


Updated the download site of the following articles.
[洋画] セットアップ/[洋画] シャーロック・ホームズ シャドウ ゲーム/[洋画] ペントハウス/[邦画] 人生奪回ゲーム/[特撮] 仮面ライダー×仮面ライダー フォーゼ&オーズ MOVIE大戦 MEGA MAX

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The server will be up very soon, sorry for the inconvenience, right now i`m on the datacenter to resolve the problem.
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From an article on July, stop the use of BitShare, started using Filemac.
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Please use the other uploader."Only article of June"

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